Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Crazy for Love

Will be discussing this tomorrow (Aug. 20th)

LOL, Jennifer Aniston looks like a blowfish

Did anyone see Jennifer Aniston's latest onset picture? She looks like one of those blowfish, either she got fillers in her face or she has a bad case of the mumps!
Please feel free to comment!

Is Ricky Martin Gay?

Let's see: He is fine, talented, rich, dark and handsome, and yet he had twins through surrogacy. Not that I have any issues with that, I'm just sayin'.....

Michelle Obama's Shorts

Hello folks
Can someone please tell me why there are some people who are having a hernia because The First Lady wore shorts to a FAMILY trip to the Grand Canyon? I mean seriously, I saw a poll on this, of all the issues that we face in America, do we really care what The First Lady is wearing? Priorities, Priorities, Priorities....if anyone has a comment, please feel free to vent here, afterall this is what I am here for. Look forward to hearing from you.